A concussion’s severity may vary, and car accident victims might feel surprised to discover their condition is worse than they assumed after visiting an Illinois emergency room. A proper evaluation helps concussion sufferers receive an appropriate diagnosis and subsequent treatment recommendations. Afterward, the accident victims may pursue a civil claim against those responsible for their injuries.
Concussions and treatments
Concussions result from head trauma. When the head suffers an impacted-related collision, such as hitting the dashboard in a car, the brain moves back and forth violently, colliding with the skull. People who suffer from concussions may experience memory loss, headaches, dizziness and other symptoms.
Concussions range in severity and range from Grade I to Grade III. A Grade III concussion could cause five minutes of lost consciousness and even amnesia that extends past 24 hours. A thorough diagnosis from a medical professional becomes necessary to determine how severe a concussion is and what would be the appropriate treatment.
Rest is a commonly prescribed remedy for helping to heal a concussion, and a doctor would likely suggest avoiding activities that may aggravate the problem. A doctor could recommend medication that may help alleviate headaches.
Other concerns after an accident
A physician may perform an evaluation that suggests the injury could be worse than a presumed concussion. Victims of car accidents could suffer car accidents and worse. So, self-diagnosis might be dangerous considering the potential for additional and more severe injures than a concussion.
Accident victims may deal with physical and mental trauma, along with financial losses after a motor vehicle collision. Filing a personal injury suit could be a way to recover compensation.