Premises Liability Attorneys In Chicago
Dangerous Conditions And Your Rights In Chicago
Were you inside a commercial area, store or home that had poorly maintained floors or walkways? Did you injure yourself because of an unsafe condition? Premises liability accidents can lead to major injuries and long-term pain and suffering. One of the most important elements of a premises liability claim is to prove that the defendant owned, occupied, or leased the property on which you were injured. In these cases, there is a “duty of care” that is owed to guests or visitors and that your accident was caused by the negligent behavior of those responsible for maintaining the property.
If you were injured in an accident on someone else’s property, you need to take steps to protect your rights and hold negligent parties accountable. You may be able to receive compensation for your injuries.
Pursue your claim with Pavich Law Group, P.C., – call us at 312-380-2721 to get started.
Where Do Premises Liability Claims Start?
Like any other personal injury lawsuit, premises liability cases come about after preventable injuries.
These injuries often occur in locations like:
- Malls
- Entertainment facilities
- Stores
- Parking lots
- Other public and private areas
If a landlord or property owner allowed an unsafe condition to exist and did not provide adequate warning for hazards, you may be able to sue them for costs related to your injuries. If your accident occurred on private property, commercial property or public property, and you were injured, you deserve compensation.
Our Chicago premises liability attorneys may be able to help.
Pursuing Compensation In Illinois And Indiana
At Pavich Law Group, P.C., we can discuss your case and help determine if you are eligible to file a premises liability claim. If you act quickly, we can also make sure that you adhere to Illinois’ statute of limitations, which is the deadline for bringing personal injury claims forward.
Call our firm today to learn how you can seek full compensation and get the resources you need to recover.
Why Choose Us?
At Pavich Law Group, P.C.,. we understand how difficult it can be to cope with an unexpected injury. Not only are you experiencing pain and suffering, but you may be also strapped for cash without time at work and with enormous medical bills. This is why we encourage you to pursue legal action and fight for your rightful compensation.
If a negligent property owner allowed an unsafe condition to exist on their property, and you were injured as a result, you need to contact our experienced attorneys today.
Call us at 312-380-2721 or click here to set up your initial consultation.